Interactive wallpaper designing...

Lilli and I have just started to plan out our new interactive wallpaper design for Aestheticodes. Since our brief has mostly set out the coding methods we need to demonstrate rather than the context or aesthetic of the design, Lilli and I had to get our thinking caps on to decide these things before we began.

We want to show that the application of artcodes can be meaningful and so have started planning a wallpaper that can be used to address environmental and conservation issues, such as the bee population here in Britain, and rather than just provide facts, give people ideas and information about how they can get involved and help to make a difference.

The wallpaper could be installed either in a public environment, such as a museum for educational purposes, or in a private home. I love the idea of it being in a summer house or a conservatory. Each time someone goes out to do the gardening they can scan the wallpaper with their artcodes app and get tips for making a bee or hedgehog friendly environment, finding out how to have a healthy ecosystem. And there is potential for the information linked to the artcodes to change over time to match the seasons or changes in animal population. It could even link to an animal survey and where to input results.

It's all very exciting so we both got into our initial designs, at this point just working out what imagery we would use and possible layouts. The next step is to start encoding and then once we have some good examples of what the wallpaper will look like we can start looking for somewhere to exhibit it.

Here are some of our initial drawings...

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