Thermochromic inks

I've been playing around with thermochromic and photochromic inks because I think the way the colours fade in and out works really well with the idea of memories fading away. The photos of the photochromic testing didn't come out so well so I'll have to do them again another time but here is a little example of the thermochromic ink I've tried so far. The ink is blue when it's cold but turns clear when it warms up. I held my picture against the radiator and then photographed it cooling down.


  1. I love this would be great to have a picture on a wall that changed colour as the temp the picture as well.

  2. yeah, i was thinking of wallpaper and how it would change around a radiator or if people lean on it. the trouble is the colours that i are available to buy are a bit too strong for my colour scheme. i'm going to stick to photochromic because they seem to be just right, it's a shame my picture of those inks isn't so good, it's better in real life!
