Last print of the summer...

After a pretty productive summer with lots of printing, I've now completed my last print run and am ready to relax in France!
I have used a mixture of gold and bronze ink to add colour to the chicken and cup to give them an extra shine. Hope you like the print!

Deer Printing

Next on the list after printing my hedgehogs was printing up my deer. I had prepared my screens so this one would be a three colour print and have printed them in two different colourways so far but there will definitely be more to come!

Open Studio Printing

In September my mum, sister and I have decided to get involved with Crowborough Arts Open Studios and take the opportunity to exhibit and sell some of our work. I'm super excited to be doing something with these two lovelies...but it did pose a bit of a problem; I have nothing to sell!

Over the last few years, although I've built up a good body of drawing, I haven't actually printed anything other than commissions or my own family portraits and I certainly haven't had anything stocked up that could be sold. So with the summer holidays offering so much time, I thought I better get cracking!

Sam bought me a lovely new screen for my birthday this year so, along with my other screens in mind, I started planning out my designs to expose. A trip to Lovenskate (who were printing some awesome skateboards at the time by the way, make sure you take a look!) last Friday meant that I could prep my screens in time to start printing first thing Monday morning.

First up for printing was my hedgehog. Despite being a four colour print, it was nice and simple because the registration didn't have to be massively accurate. It was a good print to get started on and after testing out a few different colourways I got going on my prints.